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Our Impact

At Habitat Grey Bruce, we are building more than just a home for families. Safe, stable and affordable housing plays a critical role in helping families build a solid foundation upon which they can thrive and access opportunities.

Approximately 30% of Habitat homeowners lived in community or subsidized housing

By providing a bridge to affordable homeownership, our program helps reduce community housing waitlists and supports families gain financial independence.

Habitat Grey Bruce fosters household equity-building instead of building landlord wealth

Impact on Communities

A 2015 study conducted by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) shows that on average, each Habitat for Humanity home generates $175,000 of benefits to local communities stemming from a reduction in the reliance on social housing, food banks, health and other services.

 Since up to 30% of Habitat homeowners previously lived in community or social housing, those units are freed up for those waiting for subsidized rental housing. As homeowners, families contribute to their communities by paying property taxes – a win for families and a win for municipalities!

“Our life has changed immensely… we have never been more comfortable!  Owning a home has brought new energy to our life.  We are much more budget conscious than before and we have taken the term “adulting” to a whole new level!”

Habitat Grey Bruce Homeowners, Troy and Pauline

Impact on Children

When parents have trouble paying for their housing costs, they don’t have enough money left over to buy their children healthy meals, invest in sports and the arts, or save up for their children’s education.  

We believe it is the children of Habitat homeowners that benefit the most from a healthy and stable place to live.  Less stress, less sickness, more confidence and better grades are just a few of the positive changes Habitat homeowners see in their children. Children raised in a stable long-term home are also more likely to attend post-secondary education and are to become homeowners themselves. 

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